original Max & Co Post postcards from vintage black & white photos

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Max & Co. Post now has Downton Abbey Postcards!

New in the shop this week!  [Spoiler alert...]

I created this set of postcards as an homage to one of my favorite TV shows.   Three cards have some of my favorite quotes from the Dowager Countess, Violet.  You have to admit - a no episode is show without a Violet-ism.

Raise your hand if you think Matthew should not have been killed off...  What a rotten way to end season 3, right?  I love the show - in fact I've been hooked for all three seasons.  And I understand why Matthew had to have a little "accident" - for those of you that didn't know, it stems from some silly thing called a contract which I believed he signed years ago, long before he ever became one of the most popular characters on the show.  There must be some way that they can write him back into the script - with enough coaxing from fans perhaps?

The set of five Downton Abbey postcards can be found in my MaxAndCoPost etsy shop for $3.99.  Shipping, as always, is a flat rate $2 in the USA regardless of the quantity of postcards ordered. 


  1. I can't believe I traffic in this information, but I admit I am obsessed... RE:Matthew, my understanding was that he wanted to leave the show. The creators hoped to save his demise for the beginning of the 4th season, but he was so desperate to leave that he wanted it thrown into the end of the 3rd season. I could be wrong, but I read this online just last night. (definitive information, right? HA!)

    Also, LOVE that you're offering Downton Abbey postcards!!

  2. That's funny - I read on the internet that he signed a three year contract at he beginning of the show, as did the actress hat played Sybil. The director didn't want them both killed off at the same time (to lessen the blow shall we say), and he didn't want the final show to be all about Matthew's death - thus it was a brief snippet at the end. Funny how there are two different stories floating around the internet. How will we ever know what to believe?
